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Jan 19, 2018

It is about the third week of January, and I wanted to check in with you and see how the new year’s diet is working for you so far.  

This year the changes will last, and this year you will reach your goals.

The friend that told you about the new diet that she heard someone else doing that worked, "Just look at the picture," she says, "doesn't she have a rocking hot body?"

So you're scratching your head, and you think, "Okay, that sounds about right. I want to do this, and I'm going to be completely committed."

You went online, and you found out that all you had to do to start your new diet program is buy the book that goes with the program. You get bands and weights for your at-home training program so that you can do it all at the convenience of your home.

Then you look at the exercises, and they seem quite complicated and hard. You’re not sure how to do them, but they go with the program.
Then you go to the grocery store with your new grocery list in hand. You would never buy any of those foods or ingredients because you don’t cook like this typically. But you think, “Okay, I can do this. Let’s see how this all tastes.”

But back in your mind, you're thinking, "Dang, that's a lot of money. I'm already blowing my budget, but this year I can justify the expenses and hassle because this year I am going to nail this program.

This year I’m going to look slim and sexy.

This year I will fit into that dress.

This year things will be different."

Maybe that's why I started to work in the fitness industry. I wanted to dispel the myth that women can’t be fit and fabulous at any age and any size.

We don't have to look like a cookie cutter Barbie, all the same size, all the same hair and so forth.

We most importantly don't have to stop our lives and turn everything upside down to see results.

So how do you achieve your goal? It's a lifelong commitment to yourself and your health.

The steps are easy, but the hard part is staying committed (at least most of the time).

All you have to do is do a little bit better than what you are already doing. You say, "But Heike, will I see results?"

Well, you're not going to lose 20 pounds in eight weeks and be fitting into that tiny dress next month. But you will establish lifelong healthy habits, and that is where you will see consistent results.

Do you want to know my three steps to healthy habits to help you go gangbusters with your new nutrition plan?

#1 Start cooking
I’m not talking about something super complicated. You may roll your eyes and think,” Oh my gosh, here she goes. She wants us to cook these weird meals with 100 different ingredients.”

No, no, no. I want you to make it as easy as you want it to be.
If you can cut up vegetables (or buy pre-cut veggies), then you can make a stir-fry or a salad.

If you have a blender, you can make my super shake (I’m a big fan of these shakes, they take 2 minutes and the shakes taste great. If you want the recipe for my favorite one, be sure to check my show notes).

#2 Move more
I’m not talking a class or a video.
I want you to get out of your chair and move more. You can walk around your neighborhood, dance around your kitchen, or bike into work instead of driving.

#3 Ask for help
Many women feel that they can’t ask for help, that we should “get it together” on our own, or follow an expert making crazy claims about health and wellness.

Instead, turn to someone in your community that you know and trust. I have a Facebook group, The Art of Igniting Your Spark, that can give you a community of women who are just like you, on their fitness and nutrition journey. If you’re interested, I will post the link in the show notes.

Remember to ask your family for help. It has been proven that if your family supports your habits, you are more likely to succeed. I go running with my husband because we get to spend time with each other and do something that supports our healthy lifestyle.

It can be that simple, but consistency is the key. All of these little steps add up to help you feel more energized, stronger and lead to significant health gains in the long run. Just do a little bit more each day. Remember, you can always make things more difficult, but consistency is critical.

If you’re feeling like you don’t even have the energy to begin making changes, then check out my free training on how to stop the three bandits that are stealing your energy.

This might be an excellent way for you to learn how to gain energy and take back your focus. Head over to or check out the show notes for more information.

Are you feeling ready to have a gangbuster year with your new healthy habits? I sure am.

Thank you for listening!
Until next time,

Link to my Super Shake CLICK HERE

Stop the 3 Bandits That Steal Your Energy CLICK HERE

Join The Art Of Igniting Your Spark CLICK HERE

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